Current Log / Archive
The Usual Sources
I can be a creature of habit. Even on busy days, I usually make the time to
visit certain websites. Others, I see less frequently. And then there are pages I stumble on just once
or maybe once in a blue moon. This is an attempt to list the sites I cite most frequently. If you enjoy
my web log, you may want to make a habit of visiting these sites yourself.
Jon Carroll is one of my favorite
columnists, I read his column weekdays at
I always look forward to new content at
Great essays re all things TeeVee.
[/.] and [coolnews]
Geek central a.k.a. and
Ain't It Cool News. I'm so there.
I check Blue Glow each
at to see Joyce Millman's take on the day's TV offerings. While I'm there, I'll sometimes peruse other entertainment reviews and essays. I'm not happy with the salon redesign, so I'm not reading as much stuff there these days.
I also visit Al Roker's Journal Archive
on weekdays, scrolling down to the very bottom to select the most recent journals. I'll wander out
to the
rest of his site occasionally, mostly to check his 'toon archive. Nice brief, down to earth entries from someone in a
not-so-down-to-earth business.
I visit fairly often,
but have yet to quote the quotes in a web log. Seems silly to quote people quoting other people,
and hurts my head when I think about it. Check it out on your own.
James Lilek's personal webpage:
Alas, if I point to his "daily bleat," recent ones aren't archived.
So you'll have to catch them
on the day I mention them or be out of luck. There's other fine stuff there that I don't
generally quote, because
they're picture based pages: The Gallery of Regrettable Food, Orphanage of Cast-off Mascots, and lots of
fine pictures of buildings.
James Lileks also writes a column for the Minneapolis Star Tribune, called
The Backfence.
He writes a bit, he also quotes a lot from readers comments.
Michael Finley writes a fine column about tech things and other stuff, it's called Future Shoes,
and you can check it out at
You can also subscribe to the column via email. Another old friend from my BBSing days, he
writes good stuff.
I visit Homicide: Links on the Sites fairly
often to see if there are any new articles online relating to my favorite show. I've also contributed a
decent number of links to the site. An invaluable resource created by Dave Locke, now maintained by
Jim King.
The Minneapolis Star Tribune. My hometown paper, also my former employer.
Other Web Logs - Open Directory List
Too many to list individually here, I read almost all of them that are listed in Open Directory, plus occasional others.
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Revised: May 3, 1999 /
Laurel Krahn /