established November 1998
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Thursday, September 21, 2000

I'm your huckleberry.

Don't look now, but it's a Tombstone fan page, complete with a ton of soundfiles, a Tombstone purity test (!), details on the Latin Duel, and a bunch of other stuff.

This link is dedicated to anyone who has seen Tombstone: The Steve Brust Edition, especially those who were there at that one Fourth Street Fantasy convention.

posted at 11:21 AM Central Time <link>

Wednesday, September 20, 2000

Today I've been busy switching from doing my journal with blogger to managing it on my own domain with The Journaling Script. We'll see how well it works . . . I'm still puttering and tweaking. Someone told me that the guy who created this script is one of the folks behind Diary X which seems pretty cool. I also know people with journals at Live Journal and it seems really neat, too.

I'm keeping my journal on my server because I want to keep control over it (yeah, call me a control freak) and want to password protect it. If you're reading this weblog, you are of course welcome to check out my journal . . . just email me about it. I only ask that if you know me, you say so, I don't want to be surprised to find out that folks I know are reading it.

posted at 5:23 PM Central Time <link>

The Mark Twain Quote of the Day

Mark Twain Quote Finder
posted at 5:18 PM Central Time <link>

Lojo Russo and Funks Grove will be playing at the Cedar Cultural Center in Minneapolis tomorrow night. It's an album release party, they've promised a whole set of requests, should be a lot of fun. I'll be there! Tix are $8 in advance, $10 at the door, $7 for students. Show starts at 7:30pm or so. I'd guess the doors open at 6:30 or 7.

Some of you may know Lojo for her work with Cats Laughing or Gallowglass Irish Trio, she's released a couple of fine solo albums, too. And she's appeared on albums by the Flash Girls and Boiled in Lead. Anyway, the whole band is spiff and worth seeing if you're in the area and like folky rock (or rocky folk?).
posted at 12:54 PM Central Time <link>

Oh yeah, there's still a $100 rebate on Tivo (ones that you buy, that is, it won't work on ones you win!) available until September 30th.

posted at 10:32 AM Central Time <link>

Have I mentioned that my Tivo rocks? Coolest thing since sliced bread. Um. Cooler. Since the Palm Pilot? Something like that.

You can't understand how wonderful it is until you have one, though. Or see one in action.

You too can have a Tivo, for free! Now through October 31, Tivo is giving away 10 Tivos each day! Woohoo! They're the smaller Tivo, the 14 hour model, but they're still free. You do have to sign up for at least one month of the Tivo service (which'll cost you $9.95) if you win. (And I should warn you, a Tivo does you no good without the Tivo service. So if you wanna use your magic box, you'll need to pay $9.95 / month or $100 / year or $200 for a lifetime subscription. Lifetime being the life of your box, that is). (It's well worth it!)

What do you do? Why, you have to write a 250 word-or-less essay (or poem or song) that mentions Tivo features, is funny, and is creative/original. They select the 10 best of each day, you can only enter once though thru the whole contest.

So write something cool and get a free Tivo. Not a bad deal at all. (And I suppose it's worth noting that these 14 hour Tivos are relatively easy to hack so you can add a bigger harddrive and have more space on 'em.

posted at 10:31 AM Central Time <link>

This weblog is by Laurel Krahn
Minneapolis, Minnesota
AOL Messenger: lakrahn

Got suggestions? Comments? Let me know what you think would improve this page. Don't hesitate, just write. Feedback keeps me going. I read all feedback and do my best to respond with, at the very least, a thank you. If you'd like to email or snail mail me cool stuff (for this weblog or not), I'd love that.

This page created and maintained by Laurel Krahn who can be reached via email to

Copyright ©2000 Laurel Krahn unless otherwise noted. May not be redistributed without permission.

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