This weblog lovingly maintained by
Laurel Krahn
Weblogging since November 1998
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Thursday, April 6, 2000
If you've never checked out the Kabalarians webpage, you should. It offers analysis of names and the results can be kinda spooky (their take on "Laurel" is eerily accurate in some respects. Recently, denizens of were seen looking up the names of their favorite characters. Ahem. Not that I'd be doing that. No, not at all (yeah, who am I kidding? I'm off to look up "Beau").
Did you know that if you search on "prop" on eBay, you'll turn up a lot of stuff. Mostly reproductions of famous props from famous sci-fi franchises, but sometimes legitimate props are for sale: The Umbrella Phone from Get Smart (I want this! I need this! It's no cone of silence or shoe phone, alas, but it's still cool).
A prop raygun from the Buck Rogers TV show
Did you know that actual props from The X-Files are being auctioned off @ Only 12 hours to go in these auctions. Ghods, I'd love the original cover art for Jose Chung's From Outer Space. If only I were a rich girl, I'd bid like a fiend.
Wednesday, April 5, 2000
Forgot to mention that a new version of Bubblet came out for folks with color palm pilots.
Anyway. Bubblet is my favorite game for the Palm Pilot. Looks like there's also now a Windows CE version. Check it out if you haven't, but be warned that it's highly addictive. From the fine folks at oop dreams software.
Once upon a time, during the era when I kept an online journal, I wrote something about Kirby Puckett, one of my favorite baseball players of all time. Figured it's appropriate to link to it as baseball season is just getting underway.
When I mentioned Cluttered the other day, I was pretty low key about it. But the truth is, I'm really really really flattered when someone says they're inspired by my little weblog (especially when they put me in such good company-- alongside Now This and Medley). And I definitely agree with this:
And I'm way flattered when folks say my weblog does have personality. Even if they say it's all about TV! (Kidding! And it's not all about TV! Not that I'm defensive! ;-) ).
If my little ramblings here inspired cool weblogs like Medley and Cluttered, I'm definitely doing something right. I take solace in that on days when I get grumpy because I don't think anyone's reading what I write, etc. 'Sides, it's more cool stuff for me to read.
Tuesday, April 4, 2000
So I went to lunch at Chilis today, later in the afternoon, by myself. I'm minding my own business, reading a magazine while I waited for my food. An older businessman-type comes in and is seated at a table near me. He orders: I'd like a cup of the corn chowder soup and an awesome blossom and that'll be it. Yikes. For those that don't know, an "awesome blossom" is a "Colossal onion sliced, hand battered & fried." Served with dipping sauce of some sort. They're HUGE.
The guy must live alone and/or work alone and/or have a deathwish, IMHO. But to each their own . . . (ewwww).
While I am addicted to searching for and buying some stuff on eBay, I don't think I'm quite ready for eBay-a-go-go-- a paging service that pages you to let you know if you've been outbid, if you've won an auction, etc. There are even eBay pagers . . .
Opera 4, beta 2 is now available for Windows. (If you've never used Opera as a web browser and you're running Windows . . . you've gotta try it. It takes some getting used to, but it's way-fast and is by far my preferred web browser. If only that Mac version were ready . . . ).
I have a new keyboard. It looks cool and it works great. (And yes, Pat and Jeremy and anyone else I work with who reads this weblog, there are more where it came from. Bug me).
Woohoo! If you haven't heard yet, the Sci-Fi channel has bought the rights to Babylon 5 from TNT:
In related news, Jerry Doyle (B5's Garibaldi) asked California trekkers to vote for him. And his official congressional campaign webpage launched.
I love watches. My most recent watch purchase? A Ghost Spark (and no, I didn't pay that price for it, I found mine on clearance someplace dirt cheap). The watch I wear the most? A Daffy Duck watch. What I need? More watches. Especially ones that do cool stuff . . .
Like this MP3 playing watch.
A watch that'll sync with my PalmIII? Cool! [Thanks, Felix!]
I've known of chai for a good while now. I've watched friend order it (and then drink it). But I never tried it. Until my local Byerlys wooed me by having containers of Oregon Chai prominently displayed and on sale this week. So I mixed some of the original stuff with some skim milk tonight. Yum.
And I'm awake now. Gee, I bet there's caffeine in that there chai, isn't there?
Monday, April 3, 2000
Cluttered is a fine new weblog which I hope has some longevity (usually I wait a bit longer before linking to a new weblog, but hey . . . ). And no, I'm not just complementing the weblog 'cuz the proprietor said nice things re Windowseat.
Well, that Twins game sure, basically, sucked. Cool to see Fred McGriff hit a homerun (I like him), but very uncool for the Twins. Big crowd, all things considered. Twins lost 7-0 or something like that (honestly, I stopped paying attention at some point).
Surreal moment #1:
Surreal moment #2:
Actually I skipped the surreal moment of having Charlie Brown throw out the first pitch to T.C.-- the Twins new mascot (he's a bear. I'm underwhelmed). Nothing like a limo full of people in uncomfortable cartoon character costumes to get things off to a rollicking start.
I'm going to the Twins home opener tonight at the Metrodome. They're playing the Tampa Bay Devil Rays.
Star Tribune coverage of the Twins
Major League Baseball Website
I suppose it's sick and wrong that I want one of these. should now point to the same place as Well, it will once the domain name info has propogated fully. I'm toying with doing something different with, but I'm not sure What. Imagine that!
When I was grade school age, I used to go to Cheep Skate sometimes to rollerskate with my Mom and brother and sometimes with a group of friends. I'm pretty sure we had a skating party or two there. Strangely enough, I saw a little local tv commercial for the place and it frightened me a bit because the snack bar and the rink looked exactly the same as they did when I was a kid. Either the place hasn't changed at all or their commercial hasn't.
I suppose it should be a comfort that a place where I had much fun as a child still stands as it was, but . . . I dunno. One of these days I'll have to drag a friend there to skate or stare (preferably not both at once).
The March/April edition of the OBSSE newsletter is online. (OBSSE = Order of the Blessed Saint Scully the Enigmatic. It's an X-Files thing). I was on their mailing list for a while, 'til I just couldn't handle the traffic. Still enjoy reading the website a lot, though.
I've gotta say, I find this "Calling Sela Ward" piece divine [via TV Tattle]:
I don't like the phone commercial where she's teaching kids, it makes no sense to me. And I never watched Sisters (yuck), but I'm kinda hooked on Once and Again and I've always found Sela Ward incredibly attractive. Maybe on some rainy days I wish I was her (but I won't admit that if you ask me, no I won't). So this piece tickles me, I guess.
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