So how've you all been? Anyone still out there?
I want to start posting more links again, get back in the habit. Also get back in the habit of visiting some other weblogs and journals and such stuff. So I checked out and some other sites and added some things to the sidebar. I don't mean for it to be too obnoxious, honest.
But the links have returned thanks to blogrolling and I hope to visit those sites. I'm sure I'm missing some good ones and it wouldn't surprise me if some of the old links no longer fit me or aren't updated as often. So I'll be adjusting my list of links as I go.
So help an ancient weblogger out: suggest some links! (via comments here or via I'm so out of the weblog loop. (What's a warblogger? ;-p)
wow, when you add a blogroll, you really *add a blogroll* ! I'll review your list to see what's not there, but it's like the dog that didn't bark in the night.
Posted by: Anita Rowland at February 26, 2003 07:47 AM
on the thoughtful side:
Jonathan Delacour:
Posted by: Anita Rowland at February 26, 2003 07:52 AM