I really like this piece by Muffet @ Hissyfit. It's called "Care Tactics: What Does It Really Mean for Women to 'Take Care' of Themselves" and it rocks:
"Taking care" of oneself is Neanderthal patois for "looking attractive." Since it is no longer considered politically correct to insist on a female partner who is combed, curled, shaved, plucked, painted, and pumiced to within an inch of her life, the euphemism "taking care" was revived from its Ozzie Nelson coma to circulate like a social disease, shaming women into adopting a labor-intensive grooming ritual or risk being accused of the lowest of insults: not giving a shit about themselves. The touchy-feely sensitive connotations of "taking care" belies its true meaning; it is yet another means to make women feel that their worth lies in their appearance alone.