Homicide: Scripts on the Street This is a page where you'll find scripts and transcripts for episodes of Homicide: Life on the Street.
Now available Bits & Pieces Homicide: Life Everlasting transcript (Partial transcript. A collaborative effort with scenes transcribed by BPSprtFan, Jessica, Teri V., and Kayleigh) "Black and Blue" (some scenes from a script transcribed by Laurel. Most or all of them didn't make it on the air) Call For Help We need your help! Do you own a script for the show? If you do, we'd love it if you could scan it in or type it in and submit it. Or pass it or a copy of it on to somebody who could (or to me and I'll get it online somehow). Have a favorite episode on tape? Would you be willing to transcribe it? Cool. Or if you have the right videocard in your computer, you might be able to capture closed-captioning information which would go a long way to getting a good transcription (and save a lot of typing). Now, before you run off and start typing, scanning, whatever . . . please check in. We don't want to duplicate efforts, no sense having two different fans type up the same episode. So send email to laurel@windowseat.org to let us know which episode you plan to do (or already have done). Thanks! If you don't see a script or transcript here, I don't have it. So if you thought you sent me something ages ago, either I didn't receive it or it got lost-- please try emailing me again. I've removed the list of volunteers from ages ago because I haven't heard from anyone in, um, ages. If you're still working on something, let me know. And if you gave up on a project, I'd be happy to post partial scripts/transcripts. If you do work on a script, I'll happily take them as text files and/or in HTML. Send any questions to the email address listed above. Need a list of episodes to help you decide which one you'd like to transcribe? Check out Dennis Kytasaari's Episode Guide. Find any (and all) online Homicide information at Homicide: Links on the Sites.
Disclaimer: This site not authorized or endorsed by Baltimore Pictures, Fatima Productions, or NBC. Or the writers of the episodes. The words belong to them (and we thank them for their fine stories). This page last updated on February 26, 2003 by Laurel Krahn. Homicide Page: Homicide Store | Homicide Video FAQ | WWH Tom Fontana
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